early christian church with monogram of jesus christ
archaeological park medijana, niš, serbia
design team
zlatko zivlak
ana nikezić
expert consultant
gordana milošević
3D model
nikola bojić
built area of plateau: 450 m2
plateau dimension: 20x28 m
superstructure height: 4.5 m
column dimension: 15 cm in diameter
column disposition: 3x3 m and 3x8 m
concept "white strip"
The Early Christian Church with Christ's Monogram is situated inside the Archaeological park Mediana in Niš, between Peristyle Vila and Horeum, near the military hut.
Although the church belongs to the period between the 4th and 5th century BC, when Mediana loses its importance and fame, the Christ's monogram, one of the earliest of its kind every found, gives us arguments for its conservation and public display.
The Early Christian Church with Christ's Monogram gives enough elements for scientific analyses, public display and its presentation. The remains are preserved on the level of the church floor. As the building material was poor and dilapidated, it will be very complicated to conserve the remains.
The structure representing Archaeological remains stands above the archaeological site creating a place for its preservation and display.
It is a white strip levitating through the air in its horizontal position all the way to the apsidal ending of the church where eventually changes its position into vertical wall which divides the church from the surrounding area.
The position of the strip shapes the space, emphasizing the entrance part, the church part and the open inner court part intended for meeting purposes.
The white strip hangs over the stone paved plateau in which the glass floor in the shape of church plan covers archaeological remains.